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Collingsworth County Commissioners' Court

Judge Scot Martindale
800 West Avenue #13
Wellington, Texas
fax 806-447-5418

Commissioners Court meets the second Monday each month.  The agenda for these meetings are posted 72 hours before.  
For inclusion on the agenda, call Judge Martindale at (806) 447-5408. 
 If a scheduled meeting falls on a scheduled county holiday the meeting will be the Tuesday following the Monday holiday.

Precinct 1 Commissioner

Farris Nation
800 W. Avenue, Box 13
Wellington< TX 79095

Phone: 806-447-5408
Fax: 806-447-5418
email: Easymail964@hotmail.com

Precinct 2 Commissioner

James Ellis
800 West Ave., Box 13
Wellington, TX 79095

Phone: 806-447-5408
Fax: 806-447-5418
email: 1cutterjim1@gmail.com

Precinct 3 Commissioner

Joel Sherwood

800 W. Avenue, Box 13
Wellington, TX 79095

Phone: 806-447-5408
Fax: 806-447-5418

email: Sherwood871@gmail.com

Precinct 4 Commissioner

Richard Johnson
800 West Ave., Box 13
Wellington, TX 79095

Phone: 806-447-5408
Fax: 806-447-5418
